Adult Sunday School
Our class provides young adults with the opportunity to grow in their faith inside and outside of the church. We’re excited to see you.
Room #209
Young Adults ages 17-35
Teachers: Michael & Evelyn Coats
Room #101
Young Married Couples
Teachers: Jeremiah & Leslie Andrews
Room #101 Fellowship Hall
Married Couples
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5
Room #118
Teacher: Jeff Keeton
Room: Main Auditorium
Teachers: Jack & Barbara Andrews
“Pursuing a Humble Walk with Our Mighty God, Reading His Word and Seeking His Grace.” Following the example of David’s Mighty Men in 2 Samuel 23, we are developing essential disciplines of service, prayer, and fellowship, becoming one of God’s own Mighty Men!
Room #117
Adult Men
Teacher: Garry Edwards
Room #107
Adult Ladies
Teachers: Mary Meadows
& Sandy Edwards
“Rejoice in the Lord Alway” is our theme. Philippians 4:4 Come join a caring, serving, praying class!
Room #106
Adult Ladies
Teacher: Lynn Davis
This class was created in 2009 as a Sunday school class for single moms. Through the years, this class has provided a place for single moms to connect with other single moms who have experienced some of the same struggles. Although it is designed for single moms, there are also married ladies who attend. All ladies, regardless of their station in life, are welcome! We certainly desire to be ornaments of God’s amazing grace!
Room #214
Adult Ladies
Teacher: Pam Odom
Matthew 5:8 This is a class that is focused on creating a friendly, welcoming environment where everyone feels accepted, loved and can learn about the love of God.
Room #119
Ages 13 & Up
Teachers: Jose & Kathy Hernandez
Our class is specifically designed for those who have adult children or are recent “empty nesters”. We invite you to join our class to hear solid biblical teachings that will be foundational to the Christian believer.
Room #102
Teachers: Aaron & Laura Baker